Monday, February 4, 2013

Dressing Up Dolly

Dressing Up Dolly

I'm doing my first guest post this month over at Nap Time Crafters!  Yeah, I'm super excited!  The series should be really fun!  All month long there will be patterns and tutorials for dolls and barbies from different bloggers and the fun starts today!

My daughter has been asking for dolly clothes for her Cinderella toddler doll since she got her on Christmas morning!  I kept telling her I'd get to it.  When I saw that Amy was doing this fun series I signed up thinking it would get me motivated to sew some clothes.

And has!  I am hoping to have a pajama tutorial later this week to share here, and then later in the month I'll have another clothing tutorial for Dressing up Dolly!  One more thing, her Cinderella doll is a 15" doll so a little smaller than the 18" American Girl dolls that seem to have most of the clothing tutorials floating around out there.  :)  Hope you'll check out Dressing up Dolly and I'll be back later this week with some jammies for Cinderella.

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