For some reason I've been wanting to sew Petyon a peasant dress. Not sure why, just really needed too! :) I found some fabric (corduroy from JoAnn's) that I thought she might like which had be laying around for awhile. I always like to use fabric that was originally bought for those projects that never happen! She has been on a purple and pink kick hard core again, so I thought this would be right up her alley.
I didn't have a peasant dress pattern in her size, but I did have this Simplicity pattern which I've used before and have liked. However I wanted a really basic dress that was all one piece in the body. So I decided to semi-draft a pattern. This is always really scary for me, I am about 50/50 on successes with this!
This time it work though! I decided to take my beloved Signature Dress Pattern and use that to help me extend the bodice from the simplicity pattern. I tried to mainly line up the arms and make sure the neckline was similar and went from there. The fabric in the pictures is for my first Washi dress which I am currently working on! YEAH!!

Success! I love when everything goes exactly as planned! The only small issue was I'd wanted it to be long sleeved since it is pretty cold here now, but only had a yard of this fabric. Also I wasn't sure about that butterfly print, but I really love it. From a distance you loose the butterflies a bit. Peyton does like it, but wishes it was all purple. I just can't win with her these days!